Monday, September 20, 2010

Honeymoon booked, check!

Another thing is checked off the very long list wedding to-do list.  We booked our honeymoon....YAY!!! I am more than excited.  Dan and I have never really taken a vacation on our own together, so this will be our first trip together.  We have been to visit family, camping and one very infamous family reunion; but nothing just the two of us, which make our honeymoon that much more special.  Dan's Mother and Father have been gracious enough to let us use their timeshare for our honeymoon, so we were able to exchange it and go to (drum roll please) Punta Cana  in the Dominican Republic for a week after the wedding.  The only thing we will have to pay for is the all inclusive fee and our air fare, which all together should not be too much.
When Dan and I started thinking about the honeymoon we both knew we wanted to do something tropical, relaxing and with some fun attractions to also do.  When looking through the timeshare website we found a few options with the week open we wanted but there was one clear winner.  We will be going to the Moon Palace Casino Golf and Spa Resort in the lovely Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  When we go though it will be officially the first Hard Rock Resort all more inclusive.  The resort is in the process of changing into the Hard Rock, what is cooler than that.  I can't wait for our honeymoon and I am more excited now that we have a little bit more planned.  I can't wait to be on the beach.